What is Not Provided?
This program only provides for services at Doctors Urgent Care in Wheeling WV, Benwood WV and St. Clairsville, OH. It does not pay for services provided at other physician offices or hospitals. It does not provide payment for diagnostic testing at any location other than Doctors Urgent Care in Wheeling WV, Benwood WV and St. Clairsville OH.
If treatment of your medical condition will require referral to a specialist or the hospital, this program does not provide payment for those services. Those costs will be your responsibility.
The following are examples of medical care not paid for under this program:
- Hospital emergency room care
- Hospital inpatient or outpatient care
- Ambulance
- Physician care provided at location other than Doctors Urgent Care in Wheeling or St. Clairsville
- Specialist physician care
- Lab and diagnostic testing not provided at Doctors Urgent Care
- Medications obtained at any location other than Doctors Urgent Care in Wheeling, Benwood, or St. Clairsville.
If you receive medical services at any location other than Doctors Urgent Care you will be responsible to pay for those services.