Other Medical Resources
If you need specialist follow up or other treatments that are not provided at our location, we will assist you in locating a medical professional. Services not provided at our location are not covered by your monthly subscription payment. However, if you cannot pay for the specialist services you may qualify to become a Wheeling Health Right specialty patient or be covered by Medicaid through its spend-down program. The telephone number for Wheeling Health Right is 304-233-9323. Local hospitals can assist you with the Medicaid spend-down program.
Additional Pharmacy Resources
Wheeling Health Right
Many of our patients may require brand medications that are not available through our generic drug formulary. For those who cannot afford brand medications and who have a family income of 200% of the federal poverty level or below, Wheeling Health Right may be able to provide medications at little or no cost. It is located at 61 29th Street in Wheeling and its phone number is 304-233-9323. Participants will be required to become medication-only patients of the clinic.
Rx Outreach
There are certain generic drugs that may not be on our formulary. Express Scripts and the West Virginia Pharmaceutical Advocate have recently announced a new program West Virginians can participate in. It provides 90-day prescriptions at a reduced price. Applications are available at Doctors Urgent Care or you can download them from the Web at
Rx for West Virginia
The RxforWV prescription assistance program was created to make it easier for low-income uninsured patients to get free or nearly free prescription medicines through existing patient assistance programs, while providing the highest level of service. Once you provide the Web site with some basic information related to prescription medicines, income, and current prescription medicine coverage, RxforWV will be able to tell you what patient assistance programs you may be eligible for. The Web site is: